Csomay Center Impact Report

Ageism post

This is a graphic piece I created about Ageism.

Official Post Caption:

Have you ever experienced being overlooked because of your age?

The World Health Organization reports that half of the global population harbors ageist attitudes toward older adults. Remarkably, even children as young as 4 can pick up on societal age stereotypes, influencing their interactions with people of all ages. This early exposure perpetuates age-based discrimination throughout life.

More information on Ageism found here: https://www.who.int/news-room/questions-and-answers/item/ageing-ageism#:~:text=What%20is%20ageism%3F,of%20their%20culture's%20age%20stereotypes.

#EndAgeism #BreakTheAbleismBarrier

Csomay Membership Campaign

This graphic is one I created as part of launching the Csomay Center membership campaign.

Official Post Caption:

Become a member!

You are invited to become a member of the @Csomay Center!

If you would love to connect with a community focused on aging, or want to contribute your voice and experience.

If you want to help create the future and help influence others about optimal aging, you should become a member of the Csomay Center!

Follow this link to become a member: https://csomaycenter.uiowa.edu/become-member

Event Alert Graphic

I promote many events and announcing them on social media has been to best way to create attention.

Official Post Caption:

Join the @Alzheimer's Association's Healthy Brain Initiative and the @University of Minnesota's BOLD Public Health Center of Excellence on Dementia Caregiving for a webinar launching the new, free, interactive public health curriculum module, Public Health and Dementia Caregiving. 

Register here: (Link)
 for the webinar on Wednesday, December 13th from 2:00 - 3:00 p.m. ET.